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  1. Which kind of fish would you find in a “salade nicoise”? anchovy & tuna
  2. Which number would you associate with wine? 20 (vingt sounds like vin)
  3. Which French head of state was behind the invention of preserved wood? Napoleon
  4. What kind of cake is the traditional French Christmas cake? Chocolate log
  5. Which President did Daniele Delpeuch work for ? Mitterand
  6. What is the name of the soup that is eaten in Marseille ? bouillabaisse
  7. With the milk of which animal do you make brie? cow
  8. What is the main ingredient in “la truffade”? potatoes / cheese
  9. On which vegetable are “Eggs Florentine” placed? spinach
  10. Which dessert was created by chance when 2 sisters made a mistake? tarte tatin


  1. What was the date of the French Revolution ? 1789
  2. What did French women get 51 years after NZ women? the vote
  3. In which rather surprising place was the 1918 armistice signed? a railway carriage
  4. When was William the Conqueror crowned King of England? 1066 (25th December)
  5. Where did Louis XIV receive his court and his advisors ? in his bedroom
  6. Now the country is called France.  What was its name before? Gaul
  7. What republic in the Carribean was the first black republic in the world? Haiti
  8. Who built the Pont du Gard? the Romans
  9. The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes brought about the exil of many members of which church? Protestant / Huguenots
  10. The Lumiere brothers invented something rather appropriate to their name.  What was it ? cinema
  11. Multiple Choice Questions
  1. Who said «  I don’t agree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”.
    1. Louis XVI         b.  Victor Hugo      c.   Voltaire     d.  Napoléon


  1. A “ griotte”  is
    1. an apple      b.  a cherry       c.   a plum      d.  a pear


  1. In France, paid holidays came into force in 

                a.  1894    b.  1913      c.   1936       d.  1947


  1. What colour were the trousers of French soldiers in 1914?
    1. blue      b.  white      c.   red     d.   black


  1. In which city is the European Human Rights Court ?
    1. Bruxelles        b.  Strasbourg      c.   Genève     d.  Luxembourg


  1. Since the change in 2000, how long has the presidential mandate been in France?
    1. 4 years      b.  5 years      c.   6 years     d.  7 years.


  1. Which of the following is not a French cheese ?

a.  raquette de Valais       b.  crottin de Chavignol      c.   tête de moine     d.  mont des cats

  1. How many Loire castles are there along the river ?
    1. 20      b.  39      c.   48     d.  57.


  1. How many parliamentary deputies sit at the National Assembly in France ?
    1. 365   b.   496       c.  577   d.  603


  1. Which of the following is not a French loaf ?
    1. a.baguette   b.  flûte     c.  fougasse     d.   garcelle


  1. You are pulling off the petals to see how much you are loved. What is the answer on the 3rd petal? passionately
  2. What is the favourite meal of Obelix? wild boar
  3. The metric system and timing were used for the first time in Olympic games in which century? 18th (Olympics were held to celebrate the Revolution in the 1790s)
  4. When it’s midday in Paris, it’s 4.30pm in Pondicherry in India. What time is it in Paris if it is 10pm in India?  5.30pm
  5. What do people offer for good luck on the 1st May ? lily of the valley
  6. In the song, where do people dance in a circle? on the bridge of Avignon
  7. What does Edith Piaf regret ? Rien (nothing)
  8. Who are the Immortals ?  Members of the French Academy
  9. What girl’s name can you add to the word for pancakes to give the name of a dessert? Suzette
  10. What does a “capéophiliste » collect ?  hats


  1. Who discovered New Caledonia ? James Cook
  2. What is the name of the French capital city closest to New Zealand ?  Noumea
  3. In which suburb of Tauranga is there a street named after a French explorer? Welcome Bay (D'Urville Way)
  4. What is the name of the reef, quite nearby, which is named after one of this explorer’s boats? Astrolabe
  5. What are the names of the islands off the coast of Canada which are still French territory ? St Pierre et Miquelon
  6. Which province in Canada is francophone?  Quebec
  7. Which bird, now extinct, was native to Mauritius ?  Dodo
  8. What is the name of the French overseas territory situated to the west of Madagascar? Reunion Islands
  9. Wallis and _Futuna__ are 2 groups of islands in the South Pacific.
  10. Which is the largest island in French Polynesia ?  Tahiti
  11. Current Events
  1. An old story resurfaced last week.  In 2007, Jacques Brel’s former boat was shipwrecked on which beach?  Bayly's Beach in Northland NZ
  2. Which Australian Oscar winner studied at the Jacques Lecoq School of Mime in Paris (and he didn’t even stutter)?  Geoffrey Rush
  3. Since what date has Philippe been King of Belgium? 21st July 2013
  4. The big sculpture installed in Trafalgar Square in London for the last few months has proved shocking for certain people. What is this sculpture? A big blue rooster
  5. When is Grandfathers’ Day in France? 1st Sunday in October
  6. Whose pendulum will soon be on show in Tauranga?  Foucault's
  7. What is the first name of Mr Contini, the new French Ambassador to NZ? His name begins with an L. Laurent
  8. Who was the highest Government official that Prime Minister John Key met on his trip to France last month?  President Hollande
  9. What does France want to do regarding beauty pageants for girls under16? Ban them
  10. The Danone company is looking for $326 million in damages from which NZ company?  Fonterra


  1. Who won the Tour de France this year ?  Chris Froome
  2. Who won the ladies’ singles at Wimbledon this year? Marion Bertoli
  3. Which sport is particular to the Basque region? la pelote
  4. When was the last time the French beat the All Blacks?  2007
  5. Which sports stadium was named after a French pilot killed during the 1914-18 war? Roland Garros
  6. The newspaper “L’Auto” launched which sporting event in 1903? It has been an annual event since.  Tour de France
  7. Which sport is not considered a true sport by French people in the north in spite of it being the 4th biggest as far as players/members go?  Petanque
  8. What do l’Alpe d’Huez, les Arcs and Chamonix have in common?  ski resorts
  9. Before they had swimming pools, how were children taught to swim? lying on their desks in the classroom
  10. In the Tour de France what colour jersey does the best sprinter wear?  green


People & Places

  1. Dijon is known for …mustard


  1. Saint Exupéry is known for  …the story of Le Petit Prince


  1. Chartres Cathedral is known for  ……its stained glass windows


  1. Montélimar si known for  …nougat


  1. Grasse is known for  ……perfume


  1. Giverny is known for  ……Monet's water lily gardens


  1. Eugene Poubelle is known forrubbish bins & the first garbage collection system in Paris 


  1. Pierre-Paul Riquet is known for   building the Canal du Midi


  1. Cannes is known for  …its movie festival


10.  AIRBUS are assembled in which town?  …Toulouse


11.  Which town is the capital of the Champagne region?   …Rheims


12.  The papacy was installed in which French city during the 14th century ?  …Avignon


13.  Johnny Halliday is known as  a rock star


14.  Ariane is ………the French space  rocket


15.  Jean de la Fontaine is known for ……his fables

Photo Answers: 1. Jacques Brel, 2. Charlotte Gainsbourg, 3. Marion Cotillard 4. Vanesa Paradis 5. Voltaire 6. Juliette Binoche 7. Marie Curie 8. Napoleon  9. Zidane Zidane 10. William the Conqueror  11. Gérard Depardieu 12. Celine Dion 13. Marie-Antoinette 14.  Nicholas Sarkozy  15. Joan of Arc  16. Charles de Gaulle  17. Marion Bertoli  18. Astérix et Obélix  19. Victor Hugo  20. Inspecteur Clouseau  21. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga  22.  Audrey Tautou  23.  Edith Piaf  24. Alain Proust  25. Catherine Deneuve  26. Louis XVI  27. Coco Chanel  28.  Christine Lagarde  29.  Marianne  30.  Brigitte Bardot.

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