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St Malo et Jersey

Carte postale de Gladys


Jersey is a quaint place, similar I think to around Cornwall. Lots of whitewashed houses with huge colourful hanging baskets, geraniums petunias etc. very friendly people, in fact the customs man when I came off the ferry chatted to me for 5 mins as others filed around me to other booths. Went to Gerald Durrell"s conservation park yesterday, endangered species housed in very natural surroundings, gorillas, orangutangs , snakes, meerkats , flamingos, lemurs to name a few.
Had an episode with a shower snake in St Malo. The damn thing kept pointing to the wall but after several minutes I wrestled it under control. Then when I got out I found not only the floor was flooded, but the walls, mirror and ceiling were sprayed as well, giggle time for me!
Today we are doing a coastal walk then there is an outdoor concert at 7.30 so we will have picnic while watching. Then tomorrow we intend going to the war tunnels which apparently are very interesting .



The Jersey Zoo is actually known as the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and was founded by famous writer and naturalist Gerald Durrell. In 1959 he bought the 16th century manor house with 32 acres of land that now form the headquarters of one of the leading conservation organisations.

Animals that have been saved from extinction include the Assam pygmy hog, St Lucia whiptail lizard and the Mallorcan midwife toad. Visitors can expect to see a variety of monkeys, and birds as well as Orangutans, Gorillas, Meerkats, reptiles and amphibians and bats.


Saint Malo


Saint-Malo was a fortified island which became notorious as the home of the corsairs, Frenchprivateers and sometimes pirates. In the 19th century this "piratical" notoriety was portrayed in Jean Richepin's play Le flibustier and in César Cui's eponymous opera. The corsairs of Saint-Malo not only forced English ships passing up the Channel to pay tribute, but also brought wealth from further afield. Jacques Cartier, who sailed the Saint Lawrence River and visited the sites of Quebec City and Montreal – and is thus credited as the discoverer of Canada, lived in and sailed from Saint-Malo, as did the first colonists to settle the Falklands – hence the islands' French name Îles Malouines, which gave rise to the Spanish name Islas Malvinas.

Now inseparably attached to the mainland, Saint-Malo is the most visited place in Brittany

Click here for the clip Clins d'oeil malouins or the ancient walled city of St Malo