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Down to Louhans

From Cushla and John


We crashed into another boat this morning trying to exit a tight parking spot in a very fast running river….!!!!

We are quite expecting an email for damage costs if there was any to the other boat - Waitui is fine though, tough old bird!

Once out into the flooding river, one just has to keep going…. It’s way too fast to turn around and come back!

The river levels are up so high, and the current so strong that it is a very different Saone this year.  And as we travel further South we see the marks where the levels have been.

It’s quite amazing.  They are dropping about half a metre a day now. 

We were very pleased to turn off up a side canal, La Sielle river,  A) - to get out of the strong current and  B) - to get out of the cold head wind.   We are heading to Louhans and a ‘not to be missed’ cattle and chicken livestock market tomorrow morning.   (Last year we went to the annual chicken festival in the town and it was a real hoot.)  Lohans' chickens have long blue legs and are claimed by the locals to be ‘the best in the world’ ! 

Next day...

We have just returned from a fascinating Louhans farmers market.   Louhans has turned it on for us again.   The market was huge with every type of chicken and bird available in cages in one alley and an equally large collection of small animals - rabbits, goats, lamas, small ponies, etc in another alley.  Then there was the usual market stuff all down the cobbled main street but the main shops either side were all open as well.  

We spent all morning wondering around and mingling with the crowds of people, enjoying a bit of shopping, had coffee at a nice spot then back to the boat to ‘fend off’  ! ….. well fend off soon…. -  Cavey and John spent the afternoon adjusting the hydraulic gear shift on the boat.   The result is a much improved boat performance and an extra margin of safety.  It has held us up for half a day but is well worth it - we decided to stay put for the night  and leave early in the morning.  Next stop Macon.

le 14 juin 2016

Louhans  (in English)

City Louhans is located southeast of the department of Saone-et-Loire in Bresse, 28 km from Lons le Saunier, 39 km from Chalon-sur-Saone, 85 km from Dijon, 135 km from Lyon and 162 km from Geneva. It enjoys proximity to major road (with the A39 motorway), a railway and a major departmental network.

Capital of Burgundy Bresse, Louhans is an ancient walled city also named "City of Arches". Indeed, Louhans has preserved the Spanish occupation of 157 arches that line on more than 400 meters from the Grande Rue. Arcades and facades of the 15th century constitute a unique architectural ensemble in France. Over 100 shops to form a dynamic and welcoming artery ...

Every Monday morning, the highly reputed Louhans stands up under the arches and the Post Office. And if you're lucky enough to be there the first and third Mondays of the month, you can discover the cattle.

This economic activity from the 13th century heyday of the great fairs of the Middle Ages. "The poultry market" typical and picturesque, is ranked among the "100 Sites remarkable French Taste" by the National Council of Culinary Arts.Whoever comes to Louhans should definitely sample the delights that we offer culinary specialties. Bresse chicken (holder of an AOC), corniotte (pastry), weld, tart "shions" (pie semolina and cottage cheese) will delight your taste buds!

Louhans (in French)

La ville de Louhans est située au sud-est du département de la Saône-et-Loire en Bresse, à 28 km de Lons-le-Saunier, à 39 km de Chalon-sur-Saône, à 85 km de Dijon, à 135 km de Lyon et à 162 km de Genève. Elle bénéficie de la proximité de grands axes routiers (avec l'autoroute A39), d'une voie ferrée et d'un important réseau départemental.

Capitale de la Bresse Bourguignonne, Louhans est une ancienne ville fortifiée aussi nommée "Cité des Arcades". En effet, Louhans a conservé intactes de l'occupation espagnole 157 arcades qui bordent sur plus de 400 mètres la Grande Rue. Arcades et façades du XVe siècle constituent un ensemble architectural unique en France. Plus de 100 Commerces y forment une artère dynamique et accueillante...

Tous les lundis matin, le marché très réputé de Louhans se tient sous les arcades et place de la Poste. Et si vous avez la chance d'être là les premier et troisième lundis du mois, vous pourrez découvrir la foire aux bestiaux.

Cette activité économique date du XIIIe siècle : belle époque des grandes Foires du Moyen-Age. "Le marché aux volailles" typique et pittoresque, est classé parmi les "100 Sites remarquables Français du Goût" par le Conseil National des Arts Culinaires.

Quiconque vient à Louhans doit absolument goûter aux délices que nous offrent ses spécialités gastronomiques. Poulet de Bresse (détenteur d'une AOC), corniotte (pâtisserie), gaude, tarte aux "shions" (tarte à la semoule et au fromage blanc) raviront vos papilles !

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