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Home » Trucmucheries » Questions et Réponses » QUIZ ANSWERS 2017




Current Events

  1. France has a new president. What’s his name ? Emmanuel Macron
  2. What is the name of his political party ? La République En Marche!
  3. In France, people vote on which day of the week ? Sunday
  4. Why is Christine Cabon “famous” in NZ ?  Rainbow Warrior terrorist
  5. The Martin Luther King Park has been created in Paris with what aim ? – racial harmony, fun park, pollution reduction?
  6. Which NZ film was shown at the Cannes festival this year ? Pork Pie
  7. Which empties your pockets the most ? a night in a hotel in Paris or a night in a hotel in Queenstown ?
  8. Near Longueval in France there’s a 1st World War military cemetery.  It’s called Caterpillar Valley.  Why “Caterpillar” and not “Long” Valley ? Tanks were first used here.
  9. Which place in NZ was voted 5th in the Lonely Planet’s list of places to visit in the world. They make wine there. Waiheke Island
  10. GRUBUB is the acronym for the Group for Bringing Back a) The One Kiss Greeting in Brest  b) Unique Bordeaux Bottles   c) Urban Banks in Belgium    d) Urbane Platitudes in the Office Environment.                          

Art , Musique & Film

  1. Which Beatles song begins with the Marseillaise ? All You Need is Love
  2. What’s the name of Tintin’s dog ? Milou or Snowy
  3. Jerome Kern wrote the music for “The Last Time I Saw Paris”.  Who wrote the lyrics? Oscar & Hammerstein
  4. The first black clown in France was called Monsieur Chocolat.
  5. Which retired actress started an animal refuge ?   Brigitte Bardot 
  6. In the “French Song”, who does the sun say hello to ? the mountains
  7. “Murder in Paradise” is filmed in Guadeloupe, on the island of Saint-Marie or on Sainte Lucie ?
  8. Antoine de Saint Exupery is well known because his story Le Petit Prince.
  9. Which organization, created in France but in NZ as well, offers lifelong education and cultural activities to older people ? U3A
  10. Which moustached Belgian fictional character is the only one to have had an obituary on the front page of the New York Times ?  Hercule Poirot


  1. Which fabric comes from Nimes ? Denim
  2. The noise of which animal is “kikiriki” in Spanish and “cocorico” in French ? the rooster
  3. Which African francophone country was a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council at the same time as NZ ? Chad or Senegal
  4. Which typeface is a reminder of Switzerland ? Helvetica
  5. In the Netherlands it’s called a monkey tail, in Russian, it’s a dog, in Italian, it’s a snail and in French it’s an “arobase”.  What is it in English  ? the @ symbol
  6. The element “polonium” owes its name to Marie Curie’s homeland. Give the name of at least one element that owes its name to France. Francium or Gallium
  7. If you’re walking towards the “Paris end”, which city are you in ? Melbourne, Australia
  8.  The well known international humanitarian NGO which began in France is called Médecins Sans Frontières
  9. The European Court of Human Rights is held in which city ? Brussels, Strasbourg, Geneva or Luxembourg ?
  10. The Patron Saint of Lost Things is Saint Antoine, Barbara, Claude or Dominique ?


  1. Which Canadian province has the biggest surface area ?  British Columbia, Quebec or Nova Scotia ?
  2. During a recent heat wave, what did the Swiss do to save the lives of thirsty cows ? Pinched water from French lakes by helicopter
  3. Before he was dead as, the poor dodo used to live on which island ? Mauritius
  4. What is a Belgian Blue ? a cow
  5. A “francilien” is a resident of the Paris region, the official French word for “bitcoin” or a French person with links to the Sicilian mafia?
  6. Who introduced himself in Vanuatu as  « nambawan pikinini blong missus Kwin » ? Prince Charles
  7. Where would you find the Toblerones Line ? in the Nestlé factory in Geneva,  around your waist if you eat too many, or at the foot of the Jura mountains in Switzerland ?
  8. Bungey jumping had its origins in which Pacific island ? Mururoa,  Pentecost or Wallis ?
  9. This year, NZ and France enjoyed a public holiday on the same day but for different reasons. What was the date ? 5th June - it was both Queen's Birthday Monday and Pentecostal Monday
  10. The NZ cemetery in New Caledonia is situated in Noumea, Poingam or Bourail ?


  1. What do you add to mayonnaise to make aioli ? garlic
  2. What kind of pastry is used to make “croquembouches” ?  Choux pastry, filo pastry or short pastry ?
  3. In 1748 France banned a certain vegetable thinking it caused leprosy. Which vegetable ? Purple carrots, white beans or potatoes ?
  4. Which brand produces Dom Pérignon champagne ? Laurent Perrier, Pol Roger or Moet et Chardon ?
  5. When you dine at a restaurant, the service is French, Russian or Italian ?
  6. Which animal dreams of becoming a great chef in the cartoon film Ratatouille ? a rat
  7. We currently pay $4.99 for 500 g of NZ butter. For 400 g of butter imported from France we pay $4, $5 or $6 ?
  8. How do you say ‘French bread’ in French ? Baguettine, pain français or pain perdu ?

And some fun questions avant le dessert……

  1. What time is the appropriate time to drink wine ? 20h00 (vingt heure) wine o'clock
  2. French hens say 3 numbers when they lay an egg.  What are the numbers ? 7-1-9  (C'est un oeuf)
  3. What cheese would you use to persuade a bear down out of a tree ? Camembert
  4. What is the most painful thing to eat in French ?  pain


  1. What was the nickname of the French tennis champion René Lacoste ? the crocodile
  2. Who’s wearing the yellow jersey at the start of tonight’s stage of the Tour de france ? Froome
  3. How many NZ cyclists started the Tour 2017 ? four
  4. In which sport did England beat the French at the Olympic games in 1900 ? Rugby, cricket or football ?
  5. France is seeking to host the Rugby World Cup in 2019, 2023 or 2027 ?
  6. What is the “Haka Corner” ? a pub in France run by a former All Black
  7. Which tennis stadium is named after a French aviator who died during World War 1 ? Roland Garros
  8. Which was the French boat in the 2017 America’s Cup ?  Artemis, Groupama ou Softbank ?


  1. Since the 1880s, which famous train has carried passengers from Paris to Istanbul ? Orient Express
  2. What is special about the buildings that figure on Euro bank notes ? Not  real buildings, just made up types of buildings
  3. What is the highest value Euro bank note ? 500 euros
  4. What pilgrim trails cross France and lead to Santiago in Spain ? St Jacques de Compostelle
  5. The Australian, Gemma Pell, would have a slight problem if she had to introduce herself in New Caledonia.  Why ? Je m'appelle Gemma Pell.
  6. Which castle is not a castle in the Loire Valley ? Amboise, Blois,Chenonceau, or Chillon ?
  7. Dijon is known for mustard
  8. Chartres Cathedrale is known for stained glass windows
  9. Montelimar is known for nougat
  10. Grasse is known for perfume
  11. Giverny is known for Monet's garden
  12. Eugene Poubelle is well known because he initiated rubbish collection in Paris & gave name to the rubbish bin.
  13. Pierre-Paul Riquet is  well known because he built the Canal de Midi
  14. Cannes is known for its film festival
  15. AIRBUS plans are assembled in which town ?  Toulouse


  1. Who was the first woman  in New Zealand to be give a state funeral ? Suzanne Aubert
  2. Who crowned Emperor Napoleon ? His wife, the Cardinal from Notre Dame or himself ?
  3. To have another language is to possess a second soul.”  Who said this ?  Charlemagne
  4. Dick Whittington was at the same time Mayor of London and Mayor of which French town ? Calais
  5. Who was the King of France at the time of the revolution ? Louis XV, Louis XVI, Louis XVII, or Louis XVIII ?
  6. The Quai d’Orsay was originally a railway station, a police station or a museum ?
  7. What was the name of the boat of the French explorer, La Pérouse ? Astrolabe
  8. The papacy was installed in which French city in the 14th century ? Avignon

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