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Le musée du Louvre

The Louvre Museum


Musée du Louvre   99 rue de Rivoli,  75058 Paris   France  

Les horaires d'ouverture du musée

Le musée est ouvert tous les jours de 9h à 18h, sauf le mardi et les jours fériés suivants : le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre.

La fermeture des salles commence à 17h30.

Nocturnes jusqu'à 22h les mercredis et vendredi (fermeture des salles à partir de 21h30). 

L'accès par la Pyramide et par la Galerie du Carrousel est ouvert de 9h à 22h, sauf le mardi.
Le passage Richelieu est ouvert de 9h à 18h, sauf le mardi.
L'entrée par la porte des Lions est ouverte tous les jours sauf le mardi et le vendredi.

Billet collections permanentes:  10 euros

Billet valable le  jour même, pour le musée du Louvre, excepté les expositions du hall Napoléon, et le musée Eugène-Delacroix.

Le musée du Louvre est gratuit pour tous les premiers dimanche de chaque mois ainsi que le 14 juillet (hors exposition du hall Napoléon).

Musée du Louvre : Travellers’ Reviews

 “Don't wait in lines”  (Apr 12, 2011)

I followed someone's recommendation to not wait in the line outside the Louvre and it saved us a lot of time. The line outside is just to get your bags checked. Once you are inside there are a bunch of automated ticket machines. To save time waiting in this line, go to Rue de Rivoli and go through the mall entrance (Le Carrousel de Louvre). As soon as you come down the escalator there is a ticket machine. You can then make your way through the mall and go through a short line to have your bag checked. I went the end of March, so perhaps these lines may be longer during peak hours, but would guess they would still be shorter than the line outside the pyramid.

 “Don't go without knowing where you're going!”  (Apr 10, 2011)

On my first visit to the Louvre, I got lost. I did not know there were 350 rooms in the Museum with 40+ elevators and lifts. So, I vowed on my next visit I would be prepared to find the most famous works like the Mona Lisa. A friend recommended that I buy (on their website) the brand new guidebook published by Kurios Press called, "Treasure Tours of 278 Masterpieces in the Louvre Museum," which I promptly did. And was I glad! In about an hour the GPS-like directions of the 1st chapter guided me, almost by hand, to the Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and the Mona Lisa. Awesome! I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get the most out of their time at the Louvre.

 “Amazing, best place we visited in Paris.” (Apr 6, 2011)

The Louvre is an amazing place to spend a few hours, we spent 3 hours there and only saw segments but it's the kind of place we would visit again to explore another section. The architecture is awesome throughout the building and the content is great also. I would recommend starting at the Place de la Concorde metro station and walking through the Jardin des Tuileries to the Louvre for a great view of the museum and really beautiful gardens.

 “The Louvre has a little bit of every history”  (Apr 4, 2011)

I've been to Paris twice, only lingering outside the Louvre, so this 3rd time round, my husband and I decided that we will make a visit into this famous museum. Initially we thought of exploring this museum on our own. But given the time constraint (we only allocated the whole morning for the Louvre), we decided to take a 'Skip the lines + Guided' tour. Lucky we made that choice, as we didn't anticipate the visit to the Louvre can be so extensive. But we managed to cover the famous 3 masterpieces, Venus de Milo, The Winged Victory and the 'petite' frame of Mona Lisa along with other Greek statues, Italian paintings and some contemporary artworks. And another sculpture worth admiring: the Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss!
We found that the Louvre has a little bit of every history; Egyptian, Greek, Roman, French, English, Eastern, Islamic, you name it. There is just so much to see here and it is good to allocate at least 4-5 hours here just to cover the essentials. Photo taking is permissible without flash!
Tip: There are some restaurants and shops just before you go into the museum. Toilets can be a bit tricky though, go into the museum first and look for toilets near the cloakroom.

“One of my favorite places in the world, but plan ahead for what to see!” (Apr 2, 2011)

I absolutely love this museum. There is so much art from many different cultures, even the building itself has its own history. However, I once read a guidebook that said it would take 3 months to stand in front of every artwork in the Louvre and read the plaque! I highly recommend figuring out what you want to see ahead of time so you don't get swamped.