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Breaking Down Local Barriers

Intrepid's Top traveller Tip


A simple Ni Hao, Hola, Namaste or Mehaba could change your trip. Learning a little of a country’s local language before you visit is one of Intrepid’s Top 12 Responsible Travel Tips. Even an easy hello or thank you in the local lingo will open up a whole new world and as Intrepid’s Amy Bolger explains, people will appreciate that you’ve taken the time to learn about their culture…

“Whilst attempts to pronounce something in another language can often leave the locals giggling, it is always well received and quite often has its advantages. A little smile and Ni Hao to a family on a 14-hour train ride across China opened up a whole new world of Chinese food for me – I was offered (quite insistently) an array of local cuisine they had packed for the long journey – they were obviously seasoned train travellers and I tasted delicacies that I would have otherwise never discovered. No 2-minute noodles in sight in our cabin!

 On another trip in Lebanon, my “hello, how are you” must have been so well pronounced that one girl mistook me for being Lebanese and began speaking to me about all sorts of things. I politely stopped her and let her know that greetings were the extent of my Arabic language skills. Luckily she also spoke English and our conversation continued. Without the initial greeting though, I wouldn’t have been privileged to such a personal insight into the life of an independent Lebanese woman and what it was like growing up in a war zone, plus I would have missed out on making a great new friend.

So if you’ve got a trip planned, we highly recommend getting a few local words under your belt and you can download Intrepid’s FREE language guides to get you started. Knowing a bit of the local language will add to the cultural immersion of your trip. Whether it leads to being invited to share a meal with a local family, the opportunity to learn more about the culture and lives of the people of the country you are visiting, or simply returns a great big appreciative smile – learning some of the local language is part of being a responsible traveller.”