Les Adieux à la reine
Farewell, My Queen
Please note: There will be a special preview showing of this movie on the 14th July at the Rialto Tauranga.
The session will be at 6.10pm. Phone 07 577 0445 to book your seat.
Farewell, My Queen marks the return of acclaimed director Benoît Jacquot and brilliantly captures the passions, debauchery, occasional glimpses of nobility and ultimately the chaos that engulfed the court of Marie Antoinette in the final days before the full-scale outbreak of the Revolution. Based on the best-selling novel by Chantal Thomas, the film stars Léa Seydoux as one of Marie's ladies-in-waiting, seemingly an innocent but quietly working her way into her mistress's special favors, until history tosses her fate onto a decidedly different path. With the action moving effortlessly from the gilded drawing rooms of the nobles to the back quarters of those who serve them, this is a period film at once accurate and sumptuous in its visual details and modern in its emotions.
Synopsis et détails
En 1789, à l’aube de la Révolution, Versailles continue de vivre dans l’insouciance et la désinvolture, loin du tumulte qui gronde à Paris. Quand la nouvelle de la prise de la Bastille arrive à la Cour, le château se vide, nobles et serviteurs s’enfuient… Mais Sidonie Laborde, jeune lectrice entièrement dévouée à la Reine, ne veut pas croire les bruits qu’elle entend. Protégée par Marie-Antoinette, rien ne peut lui arriver. Elle ignore que ce sont les trois derniers jours qu’elle vit à ses côtés.
Click here for the Trailer with sub-titles
Trailer without sub titles Bande d’annonce (sans sous-titres)