Le bouquet
Le bouquet
This is a very obvious word as we use it in English in the same way for a bunch of flowers.
In the kitchen, also, you have « le bouquet garni » which is a bunch, of course, but of mixed herbs .
« Le bouquet » is further used as the crowning piece, or the finishing piece of a firework diplay, for example. By extension, it is also used for a tuft of feathers.
« Un bouquet » has a modern use with the meaning of package or bundle. You can have « un bouquet de chaînes » (channel or TV package), « un bouquet satellite ou numérique » (satellite or digital package).
« Le bouquet » as the way of describing the characteristic aroma of a wine or liqueur dates from the 1800s.
A clump of trees used to be called « un bouquet » but is now more commonly called « un bosquet ».
If you’re buying a property « en viager » then theinitial capital deposit, if any, is called « le bouquet » .
Question: What will Carole Bouquet say when she is given a bunch of flowers? Absolutely not « C’est le bouquet ! » - unless the gift is from someone who knows she is allergic to flowers!
« Ça, c’est le bouquet ! » means “that takes the biscuit / that’s done it / that caps it all / that’s the last straw!