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Home » Cartes Postales » Alsace - a preview of heaven

Alsace - a preview of heaven

From Richard

I am in France for Grandfathers day and I have today returned to Colmar after spending the week in two lovely villages. It's harvest time here and the grapes are perfect as is the weather.

If you want a preview of heaven come to Alsace at this time of the year and walk in the vineyard .

I'm having no trouble communicating with the French people but it's important to know greetings etc,speak slowly and open your mouth when speaking.

The young people mostly speak English they start learning it quite young at school.

I think it's more important for us to learn how to understand a French wine label, a menu, something about French cheeses and how to understand the signs in railway stations and on railway carriages,especially when you can find yourself having to change trains quickly at times.

I love the French people,their culture and their country. Unfortunately I am leaving on Wednesday, two days in Zurich and home.  I left at the end of August.

PS The church bells have all just started ringing.

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