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Hot Air Balloon Answers


Vocab Questions:

1. How do you say the "landing" in French ?  l'atterrissage
2. How do you say "runway" in French ?  la piste de décollage
3. What is the word for "hiccup" ? le couac
4. What is the word for "onlookers" ? les badauds
5. How is "to his credit" said in French ?  à son actif
6. Several people are quoted in the text. More expressive ways of saying  "said" are used.  What are they ? and what do they mean ?
s'est enthousiasmé  - he enthused
a souligné   - he stated or stressed
s'est réjoui   - he rejoiced
a commenté   -   he commented

Comprehension Questions:

1. By how many did they beat the old record ?  23
2. How often is the event held ?  Every 2 years
3. How long do you think  each event lasts ? More than one week so probably 2.
4. Why was the organiser so proud ? The record is dear to them plus a presonal pride as his ancestor was first to fly in one.
5. How many times did they postpone the record attempt and for what reason ? Twice because of the weather.
6. Why was the "hiccup" only a small one ? Damage to the balloon but no one was injured.
7. Why must you be very vigilant, particularly at take off ? An envelope can get torn if hit by another basket.
8. What did a large number of onlookers do while they were at the event ? Had their first hot air balloon flight.

Lastly, which photo do you think was taken on the day ? the one above or the one below ?  

The one on this page - the sky was grey - but the wind was light.

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