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Home » Trucmucheries » “Aficionados” de la météo » Weather Forecasts ANSWERS

Weather Forecasts ANSWERS


Exerices: ANSWERS
Find the French words/expressions in the text for :
1. to miss louper
2. the weather is clearing ça se dégage
3. pasty white skin tone  le teint blafard
4. in a cheerful tone d’un ton enjoué
5. an attraction/craze un engouement
6. behaviour le comportement
7. weather forecast le bulletin météo
8. the weather is getting colder again  ça se refroidit
9. practically never quasiment jamais
10. fellow citizens des concitoyens

Answer the following questions:
1. For how many years has Jean-Yves been assiduously watching weather forecasts ?  10 years
2. What's the weather going to be like on Tuesday ? clearing
3. What's the weather going to be like next week ? getting colder
4. How does Jean-Yves go to work ? on the underground
5. What percentage of people who watch weather forecasts are actually impacted by what they see/hear ?  20%
6. What does Daniel do as a job ? researcher for the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)