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Home » Cartes Postales » Maroc: Aux sources de l'Oum-er-Rbia

Maroc: Aux sources de l'Oum-er-Rbia

Sources of the Oum-er-Rbia in Morocco

Moyen-Atlas marocain : Aux sources de l'Oum-er-Rbia

Dans les hauteurs du Moyen-Atlas, découverte des sources d'eau douce et salée de l'Oum-er-Rbia, le plus grand fleuve du Maroc, prisées des touristes nationaux pour leur fraîcheur.


The sources of the river Oum-er-Rbia in the Atlas mountains in Morocco: This is one of the most spectacular points of resurgence of the underground water system in the region with no fewer than 40 sources of freshwater and saltwater in September. There are estaurants on site, in small taverns with their "feet almost in the water." there’s a 250 m walk from the car park to reach the waterfall.

Check out the video clip here.


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