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La Petite Ceinture

Walking in Paris

The Petite Ceinture is a former railway line, which once encircled Paris along the boulevards des Maréchaux. Disused since 1934, its rusted tracks are now a haven for a rare biodiversity of wild flowers and fauna; it boasts more than 200 species of plants and no less than 70 animal species. At the beginning of 2008, a first section was open to walkers and should be followed by others in the next few years. Situated in the 16th arrondissement between the Porte d’Auteuil and the Gare de la Muette, this strip of land measures 1,500 m. it is accessible to everyone, including physically disabled people, who can borrow wheelchairs adapted for such terrain. This green countrified pathway through the capital, often little-known even to Parisians, is a great discovery!

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