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Beaux villages de France

Lovely villages of France

From Provence to Bretagne, from Pays-Basque to Périgord and to Alsace, from Normandie to Roussillon, fortified villages, villages clutched at a rock or flat landscape villages, actor of eventful stories or lowly witnesses of the everyday life, the Most Beautiful Villages of France are as many pages as its past includes.

Stone or brick walls, towers and vaults, lanes and stairs, gardens and tiny squares in a symphony of colors or a sternness which is always harmonious, the Most Beautiful Villages of France are also an open book on an architecture without architects and a great ecology lesson.

Click on this link for footage of these villages.


Les platanes se font abattre

Chopping down the plane trees along the Canal du Midi

Un locomotive de Berry se présente

Introduction by a steam train

Céret: La Fête de la Cerise

Céret Cherry Festival

Le potager de Versailles

The vege garden at Versailles

Musée de la Résistance

Resistance Museum

La France de Jacques Tati

Jacques Tati's France

Le Précurseur du bungey

Precursor of Bungy

Les jardins de Keukenhof

The Keukenhof Gardens

Le Phare Amédée

Amédée Lighthouse

Segonzac: A l’ombre des alambics

Segonzac: in the shadow of the stills

Mur de l'Atlantique

The Atlantic Wall

Le grand marché de Bruges

Main Bruges Market

Le Carnival de Binche

The Binche Carnival

Carnival de Nice 2011

Nice Carnival 2011

Carnaval de Quebec

Quebec Carnaval

Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval

The Ideal Palace of Postman Cheval

St Exupery

Pilot & author of Le Petit Prince

Les Chemins de Halage

Towpaths in Brittany

Château de Chambord

Chateau in the Loire Valley

Showing 81 - 100 of 102 Articles | Page 5 of 6